Committing To Christian Education
Raising children is the hardest job that you’ll ever love. I think someone once said that to me, but I now freely use that adage as if it was my own. As parents, we wade through murky waters, wishing we had an instructional manual or at least a guidebook. We gain Biblical principals from God’s Word, we read Dare to Discipline or The Strong Willed Child or The Tech-Wise Family (or hundreds of other titles), but sometimes in the moment, we just want someone to tell us what to do!
Committing to Christian education is the best way to gain partners in your parenting journey. Together, we help children gain confidence. Together, we empower children to be self-motivated, self-advocates, wise decision makers. Together we are part of the process whereby students become independent and confident learners who are growing in the faith.
What is our goal as parents? What is our goal as teachers? To get to the point where “our” children can say, “I don’t need you to help me, I can do it.” As C.S. Lewis once wrote, “We teach them in order that they may soon not need our teaching.” Yikes. Did I just say that? God wants us to train up our children so they can be independent of us? Yes, together we are in the business of raising up responsible Christians, empowering them with a CAN DO mindset, and allowing them to think critically for themselves. Know that your children are covered in our prayers as we partner in the great endeavor to raise up the next generation for Kingdom purposes.