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COVID-19 Updates & Resources

March 23, 2020
By Buddy Hucks | Head of School

San Jose Christian School is pleased to announce our waiver application for in-person instruction has been approved by the State of California and the County of Santa Clara. In-person instruction will begin on September 28th, 2020.

Read the Waiver Approval Announcement from Head of School, Buddy Hucks.

Questions about how SJCS will operate under COVID-19 Guidelines can be answered in the plan submitted to the county and state:

2020-2021 SJCS COVID-19 Guidelines (PDF)

Community FAQ's

As we have updates or new tools become available, we'll update this blog entry so you can keep up-to-date. 


January 8, 2021 - Happy New Year - On Campus Reminders

September 17 Message | Waiver Approved & Back-to-Campus News

August 28 Message | Waiver Update

August 10 Message | Waiver Update & School Opening

August 1 Message | JK-8 Opening Update

June 5 Message | Planning for 2020/2021 School Year

June 4 Message | Will You Help Us Thrive? Finishing 2019/2020 School Year "Standing Strong" 

May 25 Message | Happy Decoration Day

May 14 Update | Planning for the Future

April 28 Update | Facilities Update - Preschool & JK-8

April 10 Update | Easter Message & SJCS Chapel Video

March 30 Update | Facilities Update - Preschool & JK-8

March 23 Update | Head of School Message

March 16 Update | Santa Clara County "Shelter in Place" 

March 13 Update | School Closure

SJCS Distance Learning | Tools & Resource

"Technology for a Time Like This"
by Janelle Hendricks | Director of Educational Technology @ San Jose Christian School

Distance Learning Family Share from SJCS Teacher, Ken Tompkins

Google Classroom | Don't have access? Contact your teacher.

Google Hangouts

Zoom Web Conferencing | Basic account is free and Zoom has waived 40-minute maximum meeting. 

Enrollment for 2020-2021 School Year Is Open

Learning is still taking place and so is enrollment. Whether you are a new family looking to learn more or a current family looking to re-enroll, we are available to help. 

Click here to learn more

All events and activities are canceled, such as athletic practices/games, field trips, events, etc.; until further notice.  Please make sure to review all communications from our SJCS team to stay up-to-date with news and distance learning plans for your student(s). 

A New Year Await