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    Christopher Pinkham

    Head of School
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    Jennifer Baham

    Teaching Principal

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is comprised of and elected by SJCS Association members, and is charged with faithfully protecting the mission of San Jose Christian School. Board members provide the school with wisdom, wealth, work, and witness as they develop broad school policies and strategically plan for the future of the school.

Strategic Plan (2020)

In partnership with the Head of School, the Board of Trustees created a Strategic Plan for San Jose Christian School. This plan is in effect through 2025. 

Read the Strategic Plan

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    Tim Schrotenboer

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    Tiffany Perkins

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    Robert Lathrop

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    Ali Roohi

    Vice Chair
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    Daniel Skarbek

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    Christine Taupier


SJCS Association

As active partners in their child's education, all SJCS families are invited to become Association members and make decisions on behalf of our school and students. Learn more and join today!

Learn more

A New Year Await