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List of Five

September 06, 2016
By Jenn Thompson

This past summer, I began a year-long Fellows program through the Van Lunen Center at Calvin College. A program for Christian school leaders, the Van Lunen course will allow me to put into immediate practice the skills that I am learning in a practical way at SJCS. My first very intense week in Michigan this summer has already impacted my thinking and skill set.

Several times, as a reflection activity, we were asked to make a LIST OF 5. List 5 things that you want to learn in this program. List 5 words to describe your school. List 5 ways that you can encourage a teacher.

It was great. A terrific way to think, focus, and be clear. Listing three is too easy, and listing ten can be hard, but five just takes a little more thinking. So, here is a SJCS list of Five:

Five Characteristics that describe a SJCS students:

1. An active learner

2. An efective communicator

3. A growing believer

4. A wise decision maker

5. A collaborative worker

Wait. These are five of the SJCS Throughlines. And these are DEFINITELY the outcomes that we desire for EVERY SJCS student.

So, just a bit of homework for you.

**READ about the SJCS Throughlines.

**Start a fun family conversation over a List of Five.


A New Year Await