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Stories of Growth

January 23, 2018
By Jenn Thompson

I love that Jesus uses parables to teach us. I think that is because even as we read the Bible 2000 plus years later, we can relate to those stories. We see God’s faithfulness, sovereignty and power in those stories. I often see my own short sightedness and my selfishness when I read through the Gospels. That’s the intention of those words-to teach and allow us to grow and become more Christ like.

SJCS is full of stories of growth. I walked through the lower elementary classes the other morning at the beginning of the year and had the opportunity to listen to the prayers of our young students. They speak to Jesus as we all should – as if He was sitting beside them and they were having a close conversation. Oh, if only we all prayed like that. I also sat at a middle school table and listened to a conversation about resource conservation and how to make an impact today and plan for the future. Finally, last week I led an awesome team of students as Project Serve went out into the community to meet the needs of others.

God is at work here and continues to bless SJCS.
