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Survery Says...

September 21, 2017
By Jenn Thompson

Back in June, many of you participated in our annual Parent Satisfaction survey. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart with us. SJCS is truly committed to listening to each community member and to take the “scores” and comments we receive from that survey and others, and use that data to inform our future. We want to continue to grow and improve as a school, and your candid feedback helps that process.

Overall, our average score for the 7 areas of satisfaction (academics, teachers, technology integration, ofce support, Board of Trustees, sustainability, and discipline) was 4.42 out of a possible 5. All but one area improved over the scores received from the past two surveys. Measuring the implementation of our Core Values scored a 90.2% in satisfaction. These high marks validate that we are fulfilling our mission, but they also leave room for improvement, and we will be working on meeting the high expectations that you have for our school and that we have for ourselves.

I have spoken to a number of people who asked to be contacted. I appreciate the face-to-face time that we have shared. This year, one of my personal goals is to communicate clearly and proactively, so please do not hesitate to contact me with your kudos and your concerns. May we continue to work together to honor God in community.
