The Sweet Days of Summer
Close your eyes and think back to those sweet days of summer when you were a kid. I know, some of us are having to think back a bit further than others… For me, I remember the freedom I had to explore and create all day long. Growing up in rural Vermont and spending the majority of my summers at our cottage in Ontario (Canada), I was either in the woods, climbing mountains, or spending days on the lake. I vividly remember playing Huck Finn, making forts, learning to sail, and using my imagination to create adventures. The only screen time that was available back in those days was a TV with rabbit ears for antennae, and we did not have one! Yes, I know, things have changed, but I do hope that we don’t lose that joy of summer fun.
I read this just the other day, and I thought it would be a good reminder. The whole idea of stepping back and away from the busyness is a GOOD thing for us all.
"Be a human being, not a human doing. Experience life -- don't just take pictures of others doing it. Be unafraid to go where cellular signals do not break the underbrush. When you disconnect, you'll return with renewed energy that comes from reestablishing relationships. You'll think more clearly after having your thought patterns uninterrupted by tweets, beats, and the bleats of an always-on society."
I don’t know about you, but I tend to be on the move all the time, making lists, completing projects, and planning. This leaves little time to rest. The truth is, we get tired because our schedules are full. We are also weary because our spirits are depleted. Within each one of us resides a soul that desperately needs renewal and restoration, something an overloaded schedule doesn’t always allow. God’s Word reminds us in Psalm 23 that he restores our soul. However, we sometimes get in the way of that because it is difficult to turn our hearts and minds away from the noise of our everyday lives.
So take this summer to enjoy your friends and family. Also, try sitting alone with the Lord to be still-reading the Bible, praying, connecting in a deep way. Enjoy his creation and be creative in it. I look forward to hearing your stories of reconnecting, adventure, and joy from this summer.