Our Approach
We believe that students who learn to engage with the world around them from a Biblical perspective become world-changers who transform culture for Christ. This is why we have designed the educational program at SJCS to have a fully-integrated Biblical worldview and to give students opportunities to actively participate in their learning.
At all levels, we encourage students to ask questions, take risks, make mistakes, and exercise creativity. Our outstanding teachers are passionate about helping students learn the skills necessary to thrive in the modern world, while at the same time fostering spiritual, emotional, and social growth.
Faith Integration
The SJCS Throughlines are the standards by which we measure student growth across our programs. Unlike other schools, our standards measure not only academic growth but spiritual, social, and physical as well. The Throughlines capture our aim to teach the Whole Child and to develop in each child a Love for God, a Desire to Learn, and a Commitment to Serve.
We aim for students to be:
- Growing Believers
- Healthy People
- Active Learners
- Effective Communicators
- Wise Decision-makers
- Collaborative Workers
- Humble Servants
- Responsible Stewards
- Engaged Citizens
Learn more about these 9 Throughlines by downloading the e-booklet!
Academic Excellence
San Jose Christian School stands on a 64-year tradition of providing excellent Christian education. Our dual accreditation status with Christian Schools International (CSI) and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) verifies the educational quality of our programs.
We hold high standards for teachers and students alike. Our teachers know each student individually and provide the tools to ensure students reach their level of educational excellence. Explore our Preschool, Elementary, and Middle School pages to learn more about our curriculum and learning outcomes at each age or grade level.
Our goal is not perfection; our goal is learning. Your child will be known as an individual, and our teachers will partner with you to make a plan for success. Our classrooms are safe learning environments where students can try new things, take risks, feel safe making mistakes, and grow from their experiences. Learn more about our Academic Support offerings.
Social & Emotional Development
Our programs develop student social-emotional well-being within a safe and loving environment. God created us all with different abilities and gifts, so we give students opportunities to discover and apply their own unique abilities and gifts in our programs. We offer a variety of enrichment opportunities to students in all grades including music, art, drama, technology, and PE.
Four times a year, JK-5th grade students engage in Principal Connect sessions, which focus on an area of social-emotional well-being. In classrooms, students get to practice collaboration and being responsible citizens who support one another. They also have opportunities to grow as leaders through our buddy program, Recess Pieces, and Student Council.
21st-Century Technology
Students are growing up in a complex, technology-driven, information-saturated world, and our response at SJCS is to “Teach, Not Ban.” The message is that technology, like every other aspect of the Christian life, ought to be used in the service of our God and King.
Today’s world requires a set of skills necessary for students to thrive in high school and beyond, and most of those skills are directly related to technology. For this reason, SJCS middle schoolers have a 1:1 laptop program and use Google Classroom for assignments and communication. Students in Preschool and Elementary use laptops or iPads from our mobile labs. These devices support and enrich our curriculum, instruction and assessment and better prepare students to meet the demands of the 21st century.