Good Stewards of God’s Varied Grace
Our Creator God reveals His grace to us in creation. All around us, we have opportunities to experience His goodness, truth, and beauty. God has also created each of us with different abilities and gifts, which He calls us to use for His glory and in the service of others.
Through the enrichment programs available at SJCS, we give students opportunities to interact with God’s creation and to respond in worship through their own unique abilities and gifts. It is our hope that SJCS students will use their gifts to bring goodness, truth, and beauty into the world as “good stewards.”
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
Enrichment Programs
We provide a variety of enrichment programs for students during and outside of the school day. Each program is an opportunity for students to discover and pursue their unique gifts and passions.
Learn more about our enrichment programs and offerings by clicking on the tiles below.