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February 21, 2017
By Jennifer Thompson

The other day I got an email from a high-end retailer who thinks it is in the business of telling me what I need. You need Uggs! The email went on to tell me that they are just the one to meet my needs. And they we not offering me Uggs on sale, either.

Sadly, there are many other companies and people and influencers that do the same. Even more sadly, we believe them. We try to find empty ways in which to fill our lives with what we believe we need to make us happy or to bring us fulfillment. Trouble is, we get disappointed if we look to things or people to take the place of what we really need.


Yes, the Bible says that it is Jesus who will meet our needs. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we realize how He longs to meet our needs. As Psalm 27 tells us, “the LORD is our Stronghold”- not the things of this world- “He is my light and my salvation.” We need to rid ourselves of any of the other strongholds that may have a grip on us.

Uggs? Well, in the name of full disclosure, I have a pair of Uggs. (I bought them on sale about 8 years ago) They are useful, and I do need them when I visit snow country. It is not bad to have them or other things like that. However, when we try to fill our needs with things on earth, we will come up empty.

Are you letting this world tell you what you need? Or are you relying fully on Jesus to meet your needs?
